Summary Of 2015: Looking Forward To 2016

It’s that time of year, when I look back at what I’ve accomplished in the past year and share what I’m thinking of for the next year. As usual, I rather forget all that I’ve accomplished until I stop to think about it. When I put together pictures for this post it’s always amazing to see how many awesome projects I completed and how many special events I was able to be a part of in absolutely stunning places.

To start, projects I completed in 2015:

January: One of my favorite ever outfits to wear, 1895 Skating Ensemble (HSF/M #1)
February: Polka Dot Ice Skate Soakers
February: Completed 1811 UFO (HSF/M #2)
March: Turban Fillet
March: Flower Basket Fancy Dress
May: Modern Dotty Tap Pants (and a pair of jeans turned into capris that I wore all the time this summer but didn’t get pictures of)
June: 1924 Robe de Style
June: 1880s Steam Molded Corset (HSF/M #6)
July: 1880s Flower Pot Hat (HSF/M #7)
July: 1930s Beach Pajamas and Halter
August: 1885 Frills and Furbelows Dress



September: 1910 Dowager Countess Evening Gown (HSF/M #10)
IMG_1915 blog
November: A serious accomplishment, my 1814 Vernet Ensemble! (Don’t worry,I’ll be posting details about this ensemble in 2016!)
November: Green Regency shawl (HSF/M #12)

Also in 2015:

I participated in the Historical Sew Monthly 2015 and completed 6 of the 12 challenges. As usual, many of things I was sewing did not line up with the challenges. I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate in 2016, as I tend to sew the things that I have an immediate opportunity to wear or that bring me joy without intentionally matching them up to a challenge, but I’ve decided to attempt it and see how I do.

In terms of events, I participated in 25 in 2015: 6 balls, 11 other events (teas, picnics, outings etc.), and 8 vintage dance performances.

Sewing-wise, I completed many of the things on my 2014 “to make” list (many pictured above), including the 1895 skating ensemble, the 1811 elusive blue turban fillet, my 1814 Vernet fashion plate recreation, the 1910 dowager countess evening gown, the 1880s steam molded corset, the 1885 frills and furbelows day dress, and the 1924 robe de style. Plus, I also squeezed in some small things that weren’t on the list in 2014!

There were also things that didn’t get made, but those were all on the maybe list, so I don’t feel at all bad about not getting to them, especially when looking at all the other fabulous things I did get to making!

Looking forward, I’ve been thinking of my 2016 sewing plan for months… and already have a full sewing schedule to keep me busy through May! Beyond that, it’s a little hard to know what items will take priority without knowing what events might pop up on my calendar. Also, it’s nice to keep things a little flexible so that I can adjust my sewing level as needed throughout the year. But I can say that these projects are certain:

  • An 1899 evening gown with two skirts: one for dancing and one with a  train
  • An 1880s “Starry Night” or “Starlight” fancy dress evening gown (I haven’t decided on a name yet)
  • A 1780s robe a la francaise (with panniers and accessories)

These other things are on the maybe-sew list for 2016:

  • A modern dress made of black patterned rayon
  • An 1850s plaid ball gown and a new smaller set of hoops
  • A pair of modern black capris
  • Finishing a modern cotton dress I started in 2013
  • Finishing an 1814 pelisse and matching hat
  • A 1900s blouse
  • An 1890s daytime skirt
  • An 1830s evening gown
One thing in 2016 that will be incredibly special and exciting is that I’m going to make a garment from the fabric I set aside for the 18th Century Court Gown Sew Along in 2014. (It’s the pink silk in the middle… I love the colors in this picture!)

Last year, I was sad I hadn’t worked on the project very much and was hesitant to let it go… But in May, I will be attending an event at Versailles. Yup, that Versailles. In France. Yikes! And of course I need clothes! (And hair! And shoes! There will be blog posts about getting things together! It will be great to have a reason to decorate and wear the Kensingtons I’ve had since 2012, but which have never been worn!)

This event is perfect inspiration to complete my court gown… except that if I ever have need of another lovely 18th century gown for an event in the US, it would be much more practical to have a robe a la francaise in my closet instead of a court gown… Luckily for me, by the 1770s a robe a la francaise was allowed in the French court except at the most formal occasions (check out Leimomi’s post about court gown history to learn more). I’ll be making wide panniers instead of modest pocket hoops, because it is Versailles, after all, but I’m feeling better about my decision to spend all the time and materials making something that might actually be worn again. So, I’ll sort of be completing the Court Gown Sew Along. The gown will certainly count in my books, and that’s what counts, right?

Blessings to you in 2016. I’m looking forward to more fun, more historical clothing, and more adventures!

10 thoughts on “Summary Of 2015: Looking Forward To 2016

  1. Thank you, Quinn, for your fabulous pictures, sharing your passion with us. I so admire all the wonderful things you make, garments, hats and accessories. I am just floored that you only have 200 followers of your blog. Reading your great entries, absorbing your research, and drooling over your creations! Onward for 2016>

  2. Yay! I love recap posts! Ok, so my favorites of yours are the robe de style…faaaabulous!!! The seaside dress (duh….my favorite style of dress!!!) and your Vernet ensemble!! Such wonderful things come out of your sewing room! I cannot wait to see what you accomplish in 2016!!
    And again, congratulation on your marriage!

  3. Quinn, what a wonderful summary post! 🙂
    The Witzchoura came out so awesomely. And, oh my, 2015 has been so hectic, I don’t remember congratulating you on getting married. 😦 So, even though it’s horribly late for this: I wish you both all the best . 🙂
    Love, Nessa

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