A “Lovely Blog” Award

You know, I use the word “lovely” often, and I think it is so neat that Caroline, of the blog Dressed in Time, has described this very blog as “lovely” and nominated it for the One Lovely Blog Award! Thank you, Caroline! I am so pleased to be included on your list of nominations.


You probably know how these awards go: there’s a list of things to do:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Add the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ image to your post.
3. Share seven things about you. 
4. Pass the award on to seven nominees. 
5. Include this set of rules.  
6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs.

Since this is all about being a lovely blog I am going to use pictures to share things about me, and since you often get to see pictures of the lovely historic places I visit and beautiful clothes I wear, I’m going to change it up and share places I’ve been in modern clothes. I can’t take full credit for the picture idea because it was inspired by the One Lovely Blog Award posts by Caroline and the blogger who nominated her: Susan Ardelie of Life Takes Lemons.

Just visiting: the coast of Maine.
Tromping through the English countryside, though I can’t remember exactly where…
Laying on the grass right next to the Washington Memorial in Washington DC to watch the 4th of July fireworks.
Flying kites where I grew up in Edmonds, Washington.
Kayaking in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Just visiting: outside New Orleans, Louisiana.
At the top of Mount Tom, in Western Massachusetts.

Now it’s time to share the blog love! I nominate:

1. Edelweiss Patterns An all around lovely blog with beautiful photos and lots of posts with absolutely lovely content.

2. A Fashionable Frolick Fantastic content with lots of tutorials, beautiful clothes, and other useful and interesting info is what makes this blog lovely!

3. The Fashionable Past Stunning clothes with immense attention to detail that are photographed in cute photo shoots. Plus, lots of picture filled tutorials. Lovely!

4. A Fractured Fairytale Lovely clothes and accessories from a super sweet blogger.

5. If I Had My Own Blue Box Fascinating information about the lives of mid-19th century people and lovely clothing related tidbits.

6. Kleidung um 1800 This blog is lovely all around! It’s full of beautiful clothing and lovely pictures, and it’s a blog in English and German!

7. The Lady of Portland House Always full of beautiful events with lovely looking people and the occasional side trip into a modern reality which looks lovely and stays in keeping with the tone of the blog.

Thank you to all the people who take the pictures that are included on my blog! You know who you are, friends. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you!

5 thoughts on “A “Lovely Blog” Award

  1. Congratulations! I love that the pictures have caught on–I especially enjoyed your take on the Washington memorial. I, too, find myself lying under objects to get interesting perspectives.

    The blogs you’ve nominated are all new to me. I’ll have to check them out cause they look great!

    1. Yay! One of the neat things about blog awards is that you get to discover new blogs you haven’t come across before. I’m glad I can share these *lovely* gems with you! 🙂

  2. Thank you so much, Quinn!! I greatly appreciate the honor, and I am definitely going to be writing about your blog on the “awards” post in a few days! Your blog is absolutely lovely, and it’s very fitting that you were nominated! I adore the wide range of costuming eras you sew for, as that’s right up my lane!

    Have a wonderful day,

  3. Dear Quinn,
    congrats on your award – your choice of pictures for the seven things is beautiful!
    Thank you very much for nominating my blog! What an honour!


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